Pope Benedict calls for religious war.

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Pope Benedict calls for religious war.


Pope Benedict calls for religious war.

LANOO (Christian Anders) http://www.all-religions-united.com

Pope Benedict calls for religious war.

In his Christmas message on Petersplatz pope Benedict calls for religious war agains unbelievers. How so? Well, the pope calls for religious freedom on earth. By that he means, that all religions or rather believers should have the right, to live according to their religious scriptures and laws. But the good man must have skipped some lessons in theology. Maybe the then young man and former Nazi was too busy practising the „Heil Hitler“ arm movement, because other wise he would have known the following: If he wants religious freedom, he calls for religious war, because ALL religions or rather their scriptures (excluded Buddhism) demand the annihilation of unbelievers. So when the pope demands „religious freedom“, he also asks for war between the religions, or rather their followers, because thats what their scriptures teach. The god of the bible asks FOR TIMES to go to „holy war“ against unbelievers and to slaughter them. So does the holy Koran (sura 5, vers 17, and others), and so do other religions.
According to pope Benedict now Christians may and actually must crush the skulls of Muslims and vice versa. Nice suggestion of the pope. That´ll solve the problem, Mr. Pope, sure. I ask myself it the old confused, diabetic noun is aware, what box of the Pandora he may have opened with such demand, to have religious freedom on earth? The devil himself may have suggested that to the pope. We call that SADO – MASOCHISM. In fact our pedophile, pederastic klerical leaders in both religions seem to have sufficient practice in such activities. I say: Only a scripture that UNITES all religions on earth can put an end to religious insanity and war. That uniting scripture is THE BOOK OF LIGHT, book of books and savior of mankind. So it is written, and so it shall be.

LANOO (Christian Anders) http://www.all-religions-united.com
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