Der seeker for the Truth

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Der seeker for the Truth


Der seeker for the Truth

Let me begin the remaining part of the book* with the words of Dr. Georg Grimm, author of "The Doctrine of the Buddha", who exlpains the dilemma of ignorance, or rather of disere, more impressive than I could ever do it.

"That most men live their lives as carelessly as they do has its ground in this, that they do not rightly know the condition in which they find themselves. Either they persude themselves that they have emerged out of absolute nothingness into this world, and at their death will again disappear, equally without this world, and at their death will again disappear, equally without leaving a trace; or they regard themselves as productions of a creator who will take them after teir death into his heavenly kingdom, having no doubt about it that the hell which of course exists along with it, is destined only for other. hence the result that for unbeliever as well as for believer it seems the highest wisdom to make themseves as comfortable as possible on this Earth; for the former, because it were the height of foolishness not to make the utmost possible use of this so fleeting existence; for the latter, however, because his stay in this world is a gift from his god, which not to enjoy thankfully were the height of ingratitude. If only they would look into their real position and thereby recognize with sufficient clearness, that since beginningless time, aimlessly and without plan, they wander through the world in all its heights and depths, now as gods, then as men, now as beasts, then as devils, and that this wandering without end or aim, under perpetual self - delusion, will go on to all eternity; if further, they would recognize the proffered hand that will lead them to that place ( NIRVÂṆA) devoid of suffering, with the same eagerness that a drowing man seized the hand that is ready to pull him to the shore. In such a situation, however, we are at present. "End of quote.

The thirst for life and for the world manifest itself as:

1) Inclination to believe our personality to be our essence sakkâyaditthi सक्कयदित्थि.

2) Inclination to doubt that the personality (body, emotion, mind, soul, spirit)
is but an attribute and upadh उपध्: not essential belonging to us.

3) Inclination to expect salvation from Jesus, God, Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, or anybody else.

4) Inclination for the joys provided at contact with objects by our five external senses.

5) Inclination to get angry if you can't have it your way.

Whenever we have overcome on of these inclinations, we have come a step closer to NIRVÂṆA and for sure we have caused for ourself a rebirth in one of the higher light words, or at least a very favorable reincanation on Earth. However, the first step on the way to immortal consciousness in NIRVÂṆA is always: MORAL PURITY.

*Divine Message from rhe True God NIRVANA
BUDDHISM AS IT SHOULD BE from Lanoo/Christian Anders
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