The Astral Races 300.000.000 B.C.
Posted: Thu 12. May 2011, 16:40
The Astral Races 300.000.000 B.C.
By that are meant the first seven astral embryonical humanities. They were not more than a transparent shadow and appeared (again) on earth about 300.000.000 B.C. at the beginning of the fourth round. They
belong to the first rootrace and manifested themselves on the "holy indestructible continent", today
known as the northpole. So human life began on the nothpole oft he earth. The first rootrace spent their lifes in an uncounscious condition, because at this time they had not yet received mind by the manasaputras (the sons of mind). So they did not know, that they belong to where they came from and not to were they were about necessity.
Oh Lanoo, conquer your mind mith mind. The astralraces are the true ancestors of what today are our physical bodies. Aum.
The first race disappeared into the second race through osmosis and endosmosis. Their bodies were
gigantic cells, which reproduced by self division, like the cells of our bodies still do today. The third race split into men and women and reproduced sexually from then on.
By that are meant the first seven astral embryonical humanities. They were not more than a transparent shadow and appeared (again) on earth about 300.000.000 B.C. at the beginning of the fourth round. They
belong to the first rootrace and manifested themselves on the "holy indestructible continent", today
known as the northpole. So human life began on the nothpole oft he earth. The first rootrace spent their lifes in an uncounscious condition, because at this time they had not yet received mind by the manasaputras (the sons of mind). So they did not know, that they belong to where they came from and not to were they were about necessity.
Oh Lanoo, conquer your mind mith mind. The astralraces are the true ancestors of what today are our physical bodies. Aum.
The first race disappeared into the second race through osmosis and endosmosis. Their bodies were
gigantic cells, which reproduced by self division, like the cells of our bodies still do today. The third race split into men and women and reproduced sexually from then on.