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The line,national and familyraces and ...

Posted: Thu 12. May 2011, 17:04
The tribal ,national and family races and their lifeperiod

The lifespan of all human races is due the changing of the axis of the earth, which itself is moving around the axis of ecliptic and therewith describes eyery 25.920 years a perfect cone. The orbital movement s,shadowed from moon and earth, are precessional cycle.The key to the secret of the relationship between races,their lifeperiod and the precessional cycle is almost always the number 7.
Divide 25.920 by 7 and you get the lifeperiod of a line generation,about 528 years.This divided by 7 results in about 75,which is the midlifeperiod of the human,while the statistically calculated lifeperiod average only 15 to 20 years because we have to take into consideration the millions who died in wars,accidents or epidemics, etc. even often before the ending of childhood.
But how long is the lifeperiod of a family race?7 x 25.920 or 181.440 years,of course it is not only the precessional cycle,which defines our lifeperiod,no,it is mostly the interaction between sun,moon and the equator of the earth.The rest is easy.If you know which race is a tribal, national or family race,then you also know how long that race still hast o live. But these are only coredata, because races are able to life much longer, since they are overlap and float in waves,thats why we talk about "lifewaves.“
Those who study THE BOOK OF LIGHT already know about the lengh of the lifeperiod of the seven big rootraces in past,present and future.